Global Geopark (UGGp) in Indonesia
Distribution and Routes Information of UGGp in Indonesia
Distribution and Routes Information of UGGp in Indonesia
Geographical areas which there are geological heritage sites (geosite) and valuable natural landscapes related to aspects:
1. Geological Heritage (geoheritage)
2. Geological Diversity (geodiversity)
3. Biodiversity
4. Cultural Diversity
International earth heritage for sustainable indigenous development investment on the basis of educational conservation.
Functon :
1. Conservation / Protection
2. Education
3. Sustainable Development
In Indonesia there are 10 Geoparks that are included in the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp)
To see the UGGp distribution map and route, click the "Map" button below
The following is information on the nearest airports and flight ticket bookings for each UGGp
To see information about accommodation, facilities, fees, etc., please visit the website of each UGGp or click on the “Details” button and to see the route to each geopark click on the “Route” button below.